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A subset of time lapse videos

Asparagus growth

This is an example of the growth of asparagus in a single day.

Zucchini growth

This shows the growth of the zucchini plant over several days.

Corn after windstorm

The sweetcorn was lodged by a windstorm and notice how it stands up in a few days.

Glyphosate sweetcorn

This sweetcorn was sprayed with glyphosate and you can watch the weeds die.

Cantaloupe vine

Notice how the vines and tendrils move in just a few hours.

Glyphosate sweetcorn

This sweetcorn was sprayed with glyphosate and you can watch the weeds die.

Cantaloupe vines

A longer sequence showing the fruit development.

Watermelon vines

The vines move a lot in the period of a few hours.

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